Met Chhet Satrov

Met Chhet Satrov “My Friend the Enemy” was a story in a perpetual loop; where the same outcome, without a resolution was played forward each week. Producers had an opportunity to do something creative; it was suppose to be about a law office, the people inside it, and friends with a less than friendly relationship. And, because of that, character development was the lifeline most watchers grabbed onto in this drama. In the hopes it would be worth it in the end, but the only thing that grew was frustration. Little did they know it was an anchor, to drown them in repetition and nonsensical eruptions of ‘salacious’ and ‘exploitive’ drama till the next episode. Then, they did the one thing I didn’t expect, to lay all the karma, on only one female lead. So, in the end, this series is a lesson in nonsense (one of those lessons being a revenge gang rape), and a waste of talented actors is the final outcome. The finale didn’t save this, because the previous 15 disjointed episodes didn’t lead us there. Not recommended.

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